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Tina Sargent
MS Reading Teacher
Mediapolis MS/HS
319-394-3101 Ext. 1317
Erin Schatz
Elementary Student Support Services
Mediapolis Elementary
319-394-3101 Ext. 1444
Carmen Schmidt
Mediapolis Elementary
Don Schnedler
Bus Driver
Ashlyn Schoonover
3rd Grade Teacher
Mediapolis Elementary
319-394-3101 Ext. 1425
Raegan Schulte
Elementary School Counselor
Mediapolis Elementary
319-394-3101 Ext. 1410
Renae Skelley
4th Grade Teacher
Mediapolis Elementary
319-394-3101 Ext. 1426
Tiffany Skidmore
HS Business Teacher
Mediapolis MS/HS
319-394-3101 Ext. 1116
Jennifer Smith
Food and Nutrition
Amy Spears
Food and Nutrition
Steven Steele
Technology Director
District Staff
319-394-3101 Ext. 1133
Erin Steffener
Activities/Technology Assistant
District Staff
319-394-3101 Ext. 1111
Elsie Stephens
Mediapolis Elementary
319-394-3101 Ext. 1414
Kari Stephens
2nd Grade Teacher
Mediapolis Elementary
319-394-3101 Ext. 1415
Darcy Stoecker
MS Math Teacher
Mediapolis MS/HS
319-394-3101 Ext. 1302
Kayla Strawhacker
Elementary Special Ed Teacher
Mediapolis Elementary
319-394-3101 Ext. 1443
Carla Sturgill
Mediapolis Elementary
319-394-3101 Ext. 1412
Kelsey Talbott
Bus Driver
Brenna Teitsworth
Food and Nutrition
Autumn Teitsworth
Food and Nutrition